Hi there.

Seems like everyone has a food company these days. We live in a world where someone can make a cool video, post it to tik tok or IG, get zillions of eyeballs overnight and then, heck, why not sell stuff to all those peeps? Don't get us wrong, we're not mad at that. That's just not us.

Somewhere in 2020 we were busy staying inside during the covid outbreak. A group of us ended up having a weekly dinner made by our favorite chef and restaurant owner, Shuji Hiyakawa. One night we asked Shuji to join us when he was serving the food. He declined, saying that he follows a strict diet and that at night he only eats these protein bars that he's been perfecting for years, as a hobby. Being an obtrusive bunch, we asked to try one of his bars.

That's all it took.

From our brand, Workout, expect the highest quality, best tasting products in the market. We never compromise on ingredients, we never over-process our foods. While most food companies develop a product in weeks or months, we've recklessly (financially speaking) been known to take years. It's not the easiest way to do things, but for us, it's the only way.

A PR company told us we needed a 'perfect' mission statement, preferably using one sentence of less than 10 words. Since such a statement already exists, we decided it would be easier to just borrow it.

'We're in this for the species, boy and girls.'